McIntosh SS Amps - Old vs New - Sonics

I have two older Mac amps: MC2205 & MC2200 - both 200wpc. Both run very well.

How might they compare sonically with the new Mac amps, like the MC252, 352, 402?

I have a C46 preamp on order, and wonder if upgrading my amplifier to the new series will give me a noticable improvement in sound. My source is primarily an MCD205 CD player.

Thanks, Pete
Bulldogger, excellent writeup. While you may not win prizes for precise prose (and I mean that in the best way), it is clear that your words came from the heart and you weren't sitting there thinking up audiophile lingo and buzzwords. Your language makes it quite clear as to what you hear from this amp. Try getting that from a professional reviewer, guys.
Thank you.
Actually I have won a few prizes for precise prose and have taught College English. Internet reviews are supposed to be informal. That is my impression.
LOL Bulldogger and no offense meant!

Actually you can get as formal or informal as you like, no police here... just pesky guys commenting on your writing style.