Information for Joule Electra LA100 Mark III

if someone has an owner's manual for this preamp and can email a copy to me,or just mail it I would really appreciate that.Also what is your opinion on LA200 and LA150 preamps,how would you compare these 3 to each other?Thanks a lot.
I 2nd (or is this 3rd or 4th?) the motion - I find it superior to units costing $2-3,000.00 more as I'd owned or borrowed four other such units. It is the most musical and enjoyable pre-amp I've owned and is well worth the cost. Simply disappears behind the music. Just wish the remote control was more precise.
Glad to hear the latest version of the LA-150 does not use the Russian tubes in the gain stage. I unfortunately sold my LA-100 MkIII recently as a result of having to downsize my system a bit to move into smaller quarters and truly miss the preamps musicality in my system.

Jud - if you're following this thread can you elaborate on whether there is an upgrade path to move from an early LA-150 to the MkII version. Thanks
The original LA-150's can be upgraded to the MII but the hand ful of LA-100's that were converted to the 150 topology cannot. There is not enough room on the signal board to accomodate the extra tube.

Jud Barber - Joule Electra
Thanks for the kind comments guys. We love two channel audio and hope it survives the current crunch!
