Pass Labs users. Next upgrade?

I just upgraded my Amp from a X-150 to an X-350 and love the increased dynamics in my large room. I find them to be similar sounding amps. More fineness, control and dynamics w/ the X-350. My Top end, depending on the recording, can be harsh and fatuging at high listening levels still,(not as bad). Next move, Should I replace my Adcom GFP-750 Pre, the preamp people love to hate (I can only compare it to a Placette Line stage, similar results in my system). I think the Adcom is fine in passive mode and a waste of time in active mode.
Should I spend my dough on a 2.5 or X-1 preamp or go to the X-350.5 Amp upgrade for the most bang for the buck?
Trl Modified Sony SACD-2000 ES , Sansui Tu-717 Tuner
Speakers: Audio Physic Virgo II's and Two Rel Storm III Subs,"a tasty combo"
I love my X-350 amp. Im using a levinson 32 preamp.A modified wadia 850 cdp and nordost quattro fil ic,with my martin logan monolithIII speakers. What wires are you using? Are you using a line conditioner? Im using a audio magic stealth. That made my system open up.I have not heard the X-350.5, heard good things about it, but I really love my X-350,I wont sell it just yet. lots of preamps out there.much better than your adcom 750. check the threads on preamps. GOOD LUCK
I'm surprised. Pass amps and passive pre's aren't usually a happy marriage because of low sensitivity and impedance. My ex would agree.

Tube pre's like BAT, Manley, and VTL would tame the highs, perhaps too much with Sovteks. The Pass pre's are highly transparent and honest, almost brutal with poor recordings. If passives work for you, the Bent Audio TAP will be more dynamic with a touch of warmth.

The .5 upgrade is supposed to be fairly substantial, for an upgrade. Don't expect miracles. That's a lot of amp for 90 dB speakers. You can never have too much.

Not familiar with Audio Physic... unusual tweeter.
Since I have a fairly long history with Pass gear and many brands of tube gear, I would like to offer my two cents. I also owned an X 350. Thsi was after owning a Sonic Fronties Power 2. I felt that I was missing a little with the SF am so I went to solid state. I felt that I was missing a little with the 350. So I upgraded to the 350.5 and wow! For the first time ever I felt that there wasnt a comprimise. The .5 gives the best of both words. It has thundering bass with sweet and delicate highs, and a midrange to die for. To me the .5 upgrade is a no brainer. Secondly, I mated it with an XO.2 preamp and the combination is a match made in heaven. The transparency, musciality and dynamics are jaw dropping. For the first time I have no desire to change my electronics. I am using this setup with 94db speakers, Tyler Acousitcs Woodmere. Source is a Levinson 31.5 and 30.6 combo. So what I am trying to get across is that the .5 upgrade with the X-1 preamp (because most say there isn't a significant sonic difference between the XO2 and the X-1)might just be your path to nirvana.

Enjoy your hunt