Tube newbie - recommendations?

I've finally got my primary system (all SS) at equilibrium and would like to set up a second system for casual listening and explore the world of tubes.

I already have a pair of B&W DM601S3 speakers I would like to build around. Music will be broadway, jazz and some classical, possibly satellite radio in the future. Looking for a fun, lively and colorful sound.

Listening room will be open kitchen / dining area (~20x20, low ceilings). Volume levels will not be high but should be enough to drive the B&Ws comfortably.

Some extra components laying around that I can pick and choose from:

NAD 5000 CD player
Carver CT3 Pre-amp / Tuner
Carver TFM15cb amp

I only need one, maybe two inputs, no phono. Already have some Kimber PBJs and biwire spkr cable laying around. Would you use the CD and Carver Pre and get a tube amp or perhaps a tube integrated or hybrid like a Jolida? How little money (<$500, used ok) can I put in to this system and get a nice intro to tube sound? Any recommendations would be much appreciated...
IMO, "casual listening" might not really call for Rogue 120s. Jolida would be a great choice as would an older C-J integrated (CAV-50).
IMO - You might want to give the Onix SP3 a try. After some tube rolling I'm very happy with mine. I'm driving Paradigm studio 100v.3s and it's working well - Very tight and clean for a tube integrated in this price range.
Don't do as I did and start with Jolida. Skip this and go directly to CJ or Rogue gear. If you can find a used CAV50 as I did, do not walk but run and buy it. So much much better than the Jolida. I can't belive how great sounding this amp is with Vandersteen 2Ces.