Tube newbie - recommendations?

I've finally got my primary system (all SS) at equilibrium and would like to set up a second system for casual listening and explore the world of tubes.

I already have a pair of B&W DM601S3 speakers I would like to build around. Music will be broadway, jazz and some classical, possibly satellite radio in the future. Looking for a fun, lively and colorful sound.

Listening room will be open kitchen / dining area (~20x20, low ceilings). Volume levels will not be high but should be enough to drive the B&Ws comfortably.

Some extra components laying around that I can pick and choose from:

NAD 5000 CD player
Carver CT3 Pre-amp / Tuner
Carver TFM15cb amp

I only need one, maybe two inputs, no phono. Already have some Kimber PBJs and biwire spkr cable laying around. Would you use the CD and Carver Pre and get a tube amp or perhaps a tube integrated or hybrid like a Jolida? How little money (<$500, used ok) can I put in to this system and get a nice intro to tube sound? Any recommendations would be much appreciated...
IMO, "casual listening" might not really call for Rogue 120s. Jolida would be a great choice as would an older C-J integrated (CAV-50).
IMO - You might want to give the Onix SP3 a try. After some tube rolling I'm very happy with mine. I'm driving Paradigm studio 100v.3s and it's working well - Very tight and clean for a tube integrated in this price range.
Don't do as I did and start with Jolida. Skip this and go directly to CJ or Rogue gear. If you can find a used CAV50 as I did, do not walk but run and buy it. So much much better than the Jolida. I can't belive how great sounding this amp is with Vandersteen 2Ces.
From experience, I concur fully with Stevecham's advice. I also started with a Jolida, and found it to be junk (this revealed to me when I had to open the unit to perform repairs - the build quality was shameful.) I wound up going with Rogue after wasting time and money with the Jolida, and could not have been happier with my choice. I'd consider adding the Rogue Cronus remote integrated to your shortlist. It's a current model, and reasonably priced. I'm a firm believer that sometimes, you need to spend a little money to save a little money.
Ive had several amplifers cosying Much more then the rogue 120 magnumas or regulars. They are excellent performers and truly worth every penny. they are quick clean powerful controled bass, if you need a bit more of the Lusher midrange type sound roll in dome mullars tubes. these amps sound great at low levels and dont distort AT ALL when asked to jam. They are not perfect either are amps costing 2-3 times as much