I have had great success with the Sound Quest SQ-84 tube integrated amp mated with AAD 2001 monitor speakers. On paper the mating makes no sense at all. The 2001s are only 86 dB speakers that are recommended to use with 50 watt minimum. The SQ-88 is a push-pull using 6v6 tubes and produces 10 watts. As strange as it seems, this combination actually works wonderfully, producing excellent mids and a full bottom end. Perhaps an SQ-84 and DM601S3 mating would work well too.
Another option is to try the new Dnynakit 35 tube stereo block. It produces 17.5 watts per channel, is reasonably priced, and sounded very nice at the VTV show. The build quality is up to you as you'll have to build it yourself.
Another option is to try the new Dnynakit 35 tube stereo block. It produces 17.5 watts per channel, is reasonably priced, and sounded very nice at the VTV show. The build quality is up to you as you'll have to build it yourself.