Phase Linear

Has anyone used amps with this name? I have heard that it was designed by Bob Carver. Are these no longer manufactured?

Ah ya, the Ol phase linear, the guy had great success. Made a ton of money. The field was not as competitive as it is now. Which could be the subject of a new topic. The Future Of High End stereo Amps. Are there changes taking place, or are all things normal. Normal meaning sales as good as were the 70's, 80's, 90's for the labs of those decades.
My Dad still owns the 400? It looks very well made & still going strong after 25+ years. Has balance controls for about 4 channels I think. Like the design.
We used to call them "Flames Linear" in the biz cause they blew up so often. Unstable would be a kind term for what they became when pushed. Brute force, not terribly musical.
well let's have a little balance in this discussion - the "Flame Linear" reputation came I believe from the fact they were used and abused in stacks for rock band performances, and they couldn't drive low impedance loads (ie <4ohms). My 400 performed very nicely from 1974 until I sold it in 2004. I drove it hard, especially in college. I didn't spend a dime on service and I sold it for $375 which is $25 more than I paid for it ('course not the same $'s). I have friends and relative who had the same experience. My brother still uses his.
very old amps & yes they were designed by bob carver,having owned carver & phase linear my thoughts were that both brands sounded terrible & could be bested very easily by rotel or adcom.