Phase Linear

Has anyone used amps with this name? I have heard that it was designed by Bob Carver. Are these no longer manufactured?

My Dad still owns the 400? It looks very well made & still going strong after 25+ years. Has balance controls for about 4 channels I think. Like the design.
We used to call them "Flames Linear" in the biz cause they blew up so often. Unstable would be a kind term for what they became when pushed. Brute force, not terribly musical.
well let's have a little balance in this discussion - the "Flame Linear" reputation came I believe from the fact they were used and abused in stacks for rock band performances, and they couldn't drive low impedance loads (ie <4ohms). My 400 performed very nicely from 1974 until I sold it in 2004. I drove it hard, especially in college. I didn't spend a dime on service and I sold it for $375 which is $25 more than I paid for it ('course not the same $'s). I have friends and relative who had the same experience. My brother still uses his.
very old amps & yes they were designed by bob carver,having owned carver & phase linear my thoughts were that both brands sounded terrible & could be bested very easily by rotel or adcom.