Life span of tubes?

Has anybody experiences with KT88's' life span? I run an McIntosh MC 2000 about 6 hours a day average. When do I have to worry about the tubes?
What happens first when a tube indicates it won't go on much longer?
Depends on the brand (I'm assuming you mean KT88s here). The Svetlanas probably are in the $30-40 range, I think, from what I've seen on the 'Gon classifieds. Not sure about the Teslas and Chinese tubes, but probably similar, maybe a little less for the Golden Dragons. NOS Gold Lions/Gold Monarchs from Europe (not the Chinese ones from late in their history) are out of sight ($250-350 each, depending on their vintage and condition); if you can get used ones that test good, they are less expensive and can be a good buy.
Rcprince is right of course. Haven't seen any NOS Gold Lions or Monarchs for quite a while. Occasionly you can find one or two used at Billington's in the UK and they cost lots of Sterling. To get a feel for prices of other tubes, I suggest you check Ebay regularly to get a feel how the market is.
Detlof, that's because I'm hoarding over 50 of them! Told you I had a lifetime supply......
Lucky you Rcprince and a long, long life to you and your tubes of course ! (-: