B&W 801 separate amplifier just for bass drivers


I own B&W Nautilus 801 speakers and intend to buy a separate digital bass amp (for example new Rotel 1092). In this configuration I use a ML 23.5 for hights/mids.

Has anyone experience with this setup? Any products you can recommend?

AK, I've heard FPB series amps some time ago and didn't find them harsh. It depends on other equipment as well. McIntosh and Classe amps sound quiet nice with B&Ws as well.
Thanks Audp1

Which of the Amps you name should I try first? What are your favourite products?

I heard N801 with Classe and Mac equipment. I thought they sounded very smooth with Mac but had a little more life in them with the Classe. If your taste in music is mainly classical and jazz, I wouldn't hesitate to recommend McIntosh. I beleive the amps I heard were MC501 monoblocks. Unfortunately I can't recall the Classe model but it was one of their bigger amps.
When using different brand amps you have to consider the gain will be different. How can you control that ??
I used four channels of my CAL MC2500 on 30amp dedicated circuit and I'm very happy with the sound.