line conditioner for amplifiers

i have noticed the beginning of the summer degradation in the quality of the ac. LIPA is doing it again.

so, i am considering a regenerator for my vtl deluxe 120s.

ps audio is one company manufacturing such a product, including models p 500 and p 1000.

i own a p300 which i use with a tube preamp, ultimate outlet and two tubed cd players.

i like the affect of the p 300 on treble frequencies.

is it possible the p 500 and/or p 1000 engender attenuation of the treble, the way the p 300 does ?
I would think you would prefer this sound based on previous posts such as this:

>>i like a dull, veiled, laid,back, boring sound capable of putting me to sleep. i hate treble and i don't like detail.<<

Change of heart?
BTW it's "effect" not "affect"
Roy Harris: You offer no factual basis for the effect you say the P300 has on the treble. It is just your opinion. That certainly is not proof. Some people may think the P300 adds energy in the treble. It is impossible to know who is right unless we explore the psycho-acoustic nature of sound and how each of us perceives music. Even then, we will only have a theory -- nothing that can be substantiated -- and what matters is simply how the system sounds to you. Besides, anyone offering advice will be "proven" wrong with more of your psycho-babble. So, ultimately, the best thing for you might be to simply disconnect your tweeters.
Read the post again Audiofeil.

I see no change in desire for a darker top.

Just wants increased ability to include the amps
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