Biggest Baddest Audio Cables

Whether they actually sound better or not, I don't really care but I have a fetish for beautifully made, anaconda sized audio cables, especially with unusually well made connectors. Any ideas here especially where 2nd hand is a deep discount would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
The only thing to keep in mind with DNM is that they are not shielded and I have found can pick up RF noise, for example if used with switching amps, in some cases more easily than typical shielded designs.

Other than that, they are golden.
I'm with Mapman

Rodge827, you sound like...... a DEALER!!!! I notice in the speaker forum you recommend OMEGA!!! OVER 25 times!! As an answer to EVERYTHING!!!!! WHILE OFF TOPIC!!!!! LIKE YOU ARE JUST NOW!!!! WOW!

Back to biggest and baddest, please.
Cwlondon, Thank-you for for your infomative post....I had no idea that I posted 25 responses about Omega speakers...I thought it was only 24...My life is soo much better now!...I will leave you alone to your "fettish" for all cables long and fat...You were talking about cables, weren't you?

I said "over 25".

In fact and on review, it looks like you posted thinly veiled advertising for Omega speakers 31 times, with a similar use of exclamation points suggesting an agenda.

You also posted a telephone number of the dealer or distributor, with a tell him I sent you kind of a tone.

As I have said in other threads from time to time, I am very devoted to this forum which began as place for enthusiasts to compare notes and share their experiences and enthusiasm for audio.

Many people here have been unselfishly helping others for years, and offering advice for beginners to get started by recommending bargains on the used market, which also serves the site.

In my view, the founders were wise in knowing that a gathering of passionate and unbiased experts would establish a foundation of credibility, after which they could accept ads, charge classifed fees etc.

In my opinion, the idea was not for people with commercial affiliations to lurk around the forums and try to steer people to products, while masquerading as helpful enthusiasts.

So I will continue to speak out when threads are hijacked by people where a quick review of their posting history suggests shameless self promotion or stuffing the ballot box in response to sincere questions.

In terms of what I described as a "fetish", the definition includes the worship of inanimate objects which are assumed to have special or magical powers - like oversized speaker wire.

I believe your attempt to insult me with a cheesey sex joke says more about you and your preferences than it does about me.

With that, I do hope we can get back to the enduring topic of biggest, baddest audio cables and wish you good luck.

BAHAHAHAHAHA! Cwlondon you need to get a life!! (oooh a double agenda) I haven't even read all my posts! (agenda) Look dude I recommend what I feel is appropriate to a thread!(agenda) It seems as though you are the Audiogon cop with the frequency of your "DEALER" allegations! (yet another agenda) Even in this thread you have accused some very enthusiastic, well meaning audiophiles as DEALERS! (yep another agenda) You gotta stop that dude or you will turn some very well intended and informative posters away from this forum. (hey a non agenda, go figure?)
As for your answer to my first post, you answered with all capital letters, screaming at me is not a good idea on your part! (serious agenda!)
Audiogon is a profit based enterprise. The forums serve as a conduit to help increase sales through the buzz and Q&A by Audiogon members. The more products are discussed in the forum the more advertising, commercial and non commercial sales will increase. (Duh!)
FWIW I'am in no way a dealer or schill for anything audio. If a product is good, I will say so! (agenda) I've built a very good business through word of mouth recommendations over the last 25 years, and have a stellar reputation for the product that I produce!( OK this one does have a slight agenda going for it)
The comment was meant to be "cheesy", and you bit on it.(DOH!)
This was too easy. You read all of my posts?...Unbelievable!