Mccormack DNA125 or Belles 150A Hot Rod

I'm in the market for a new amp and trying to decide which one would give me the best sound and value. I'm unable to audition either. My pre is a VTL 2.5 and speakers are Infinity Kappa 8.1 (89db).
Thanks for any input.
Well, I've said this before, and I don't mind saying it again... The use of toroid power transformers does not *guarantee* anything beyond a certain type of radiated field geometry and a relatively high price. Properly designed E-I core transformers are perfectly capable of exceptional performance and offer superior value. Don’t get me wrong - I do like toroids and I sometimes find their characteristics quite useful, but as a group, they do not deserve their over-inflated reputation. I design products for high performance and *value,* and E-I transformers are essential for this goal. I spec power toroids for those relatively rare times (at least for me) when cost is not an issue, and then I source them from Plitron, who make the best toroids I have found. And I pay…a LOT!

Best regards and a Happy July 4th!

Steve McCormack
Then I sent it to Mr. Steve McCormack to be upgraded to their top "Platinum Edition" and what can I tell you my friends ? the improvement is so huge that I can't beleive is my same Amplifier.

EXACTLY my experience, too!

I spec power toroids for those relatively rare times (at least for me) when cost is not an issue, and then I source them from Plitron, who make the best toroids I have found. And I pay…a LOT!

And well worth the dough in the right application. Not to mention the carbon wiring as another aspect of the upgrade I received!!!!!
Well Steve I'm glad you shared that comment one more time because it is the first time I saw it.Thanks for asking Mfb33. Steve if you happen to get on this thread again, any idea when the line stage will be in production?

Thanks everyone for your responses. I guess either amp in it's price range is a good deal.
I have stock DNA-125 which I enjoy very much. I really appreciate Zaikesman's assessment which I too feel is right on. For those of us who don't need excessive power and don't have a mega ton audio budget (and we are legion) but do want an amp that can deliver punch, dynamics and music; I think the 125 is a fine amp. There may be a few sins of ommission but few of commission. I feel no need to rush out and buy anything different. Like much in audio it takes a lot of bucks to get another 2 to 3% of the music. I can live happily with where I am (at least until I save up enough for Steve's upgrades, LOL).