Audiophile license plates

In the 1980's California allowed auto owners to purchase personalized license plates. I think I'm about ready for one now.

Do any of you have an audiophile themed plate on your auto?

I was thinking of using HIFIMAN , TURNTBL, TUBEPRE, PREAMP, REEL2RL, MONOBLC or something of the sort.

Please post your suggestions for my new plate. You are allowed only 7 spaces on the plate for your name...including any blank spaces.

As a total aside, my wife drives a car with the plates '2BA49R'

The car was recently stolen, but we got it back. It turns out that the young policeman spotted the car and, being a fanatic 49er fan, he pulled up along side to check out the "Three chicks driving the car with the great plates..."

The woman in the back seat had seen him approaching and she tried to slide down, assuming a low profile. The cop recognized her as a 'person of interest' in another matter and he then 'ran' the plates...the car was 'hot' and he got the credit for being 'on the ball' when...all he was really doing was checking out the "cute chicks in the red car with the great plates..."
The most memorable personal license plate I ever saw was on a German luxury sedan in the parking lot at a local hospital. I laughed when I figured it out.


Assume the driver was a Psychiatrist.

O.K. Here's some non audio cuties:


I've got a special one for my 'Vette when I win the lottery...