High End Integrated Choices

I had posted earlier but haven't seen it so here goes again.

Need to make a shortlist of hi-end integrateds to match the following system:

Sony SCD777ES SACD Player, Acoustic Zen Matrix Ref II Interconnects and Satori Speaker cable connected to B&W 805S monitors.

Searching for feedback specifically on BAT V300X SE Integrated withe 6H30 super tube and McIntosh MC2275 Tube Integrated.


The only thing I would worry about with the BAT supertube is being beholden to BAT and not having any swapping choices. But great integrated. Have considered the move myself. I would listen to the complete opposite end of that spectrum, something like the Cary 300-SEI (or SLI-80 for tube swapping possibilties) just to make sure it's really what you want.
I've owned many integrateds and high-end seperates. Presently I'm using a Cayin A-88T and must say the amp is amazing. The stock tubes aren't bad, the thing is built like a tank, renders bass wonderfully, and is very transparent without excessive tube bloom. I'm feeding it with my Exemplar 2900 player, and it's driving my Gallo 3.1's.

VERY Impressive Amp. You may want to give it a listen sometime.

If you decide to buy one, feel free to email me and I'll share some hard-learned tips on wringing the best from the unit :)

I own the Cayin A-88T. Can you share your tips with me?

Sorry for hijacking your thread Papi chulo
Wow! Great feedback, keep it coming guys!

To elaborate on some of the queries posed above:

I am currently listening to solid state amplification, a Musical Fidelity A300 Integrated and A3CR Power amp passively bi-amped (Integrated drives the lows/mids and power amp drives the highs). For the power hungry 805S speakers, it offers rock steady control, coherence and imaging. The flow of music is effortless. Voices sound great, bass is pretty deep and well defined and the highs crystalline in nature. But I feel myself slipping away from the music more and more often. Just can't get into it.

I felt the Sony SCD777ES was a bit bright when I used a silver interconnect previously, so I changed it to Matrix Ref II and that certainly introduced warmth, definition and a bigger, better defined soundstage. Really good stuff, this interconnect.

But I suspect tubes will help me achieve a quantum leap, sound-wise. Ive always been wary of the hassles of tube gear but I finally decided to take the plunge. Got to have tubes somewhere in the equation.

I chose the BAT because it had extension, dynamism, detail and bass control like Ive never heard before. For the first time I found myself listening to music rather than an amp. I also heard the solid state MC6500 and it sounded quite...well... solid state to my ears.

Next I will hear the MC6900 and MC 2275.

Ive heard that the MC2275 is more liquid and offers more inner detail than the BAT VK300X SE but the BAT is fast and open and has great bass control, but isn't as smooth.

The BATs dynamism could be well tamed by my B&W 805S since the speaker is a bit polite and refined in nature. But the concern is that the energy of the amp might prove to be less and less beguiling over time. The dealer demoed the unit for me using a silver interconnect but Im going to listen again this time with my copper Matrix Ref IIs and see if they can warm up the sound, Im betting they will.

On the other hand, Im also excited by the prospect of the MC2275 all tube unit but worry about whether 75 tube watts are enough to drive a power hungry speaker like the 805S to decent room filling levels. My listening space is about 15 feet wide and 20 feet long and I sit about 6 feet from the set-up. There is no damping material around, no carpet or heavy curtains, just floor tiles. I listen mainly to traditional and contemporary jazz, vocals, blues and of late, a bit of lounge/chill-out music. No complex classical pieces, in fact no classical, period.

I am not in a position to carry out a home audition so if anyone has any thoughts on the above compatability issues, please do share.

My end goal is to achieve sound character that is close to the following: warm and liquid, fills the room with its presence. It should have a pleasing bloom and fullness to it with clarity, detail, definition and extension. Am I asking too much? More importantly, am I on the right track with my choices so far?

