Are some of us cultish in our beliefs

We only want to talk on certain amps and not consider others. There is the BAT groupies, the CAT groupies, the per amp deal of the century groupies, ARC groupie
Which groupie are you?
I am a Cayin and Jadis groupie.
What I hate about these forums is, cult or not people always seem to back a product and say stupid enough stuff that it hurts the rep of that product.
I'm a disciple of the timbre, phase and timing accurate so for me, when it comes to speakers, Thiel and Vandersteen are my only options now. All other non-speaker brands are fair game though.

And I agree with Undertow; when it comes to brands try to keep it positive or not say anything, except of course I encourage folks looking at other speakers brands to question why a speaker manufacturer intentionally will reverse the phase of some of the drivers in order to "make it sound better." Talk about intentionally screwing up the music content playback of a recording...
I'm a Deja Vu Audio groupie, once you set foot in that store you're hooked! I highly recommend it to anyone in the DC area, even if you're just visiting., and no I'm not affiliated just a very happy customer.
I'm a Bartokfan groupie. I used to be a Carl_Eber groupie. Man, she really knew her stuff.