I need help choosing my next tube preamp.

Although I really enjoyed usnig my ARC LS-15 preamp since I bought it brand new several years ago, I'm looking to upgrade it.

I'd like to stay with tube preamps only.

I like experimenting with different tubes, so the new preamp should probably not be based on the new 6H30 supertube.

Qualities I'm looking for in my next preamp - it should have a pretty laid back(more so than the LS-15) but dynamic character, with plenty of detail, but not be hyper detailed, should have good definition in the bass region(deep, tight bass, not bloaty), full sounding mids and produce a wide and deep soundstage.
Also, it should have a high resolution volume control with plenty of steps to provide ability to fine tune volume for late night low-level listening.

Primary source in my system is digital. No analog as of yet.

The candidate preamps are:
ARC LS-25 MkI,
BAT VK-31,
Sonic Frontiers Line-3
Aesthetix Calypso

I'm pretty much open to other tube preamp suggestions, as long as it is from a well known manufacturer and is not known to have reliability issues.

I listen to different types of music. Classical, traditional and modern jazz, blues and rock.

Really looking for your expert opinion. And if someone who has any experience with the mentioned preamps can share their thoughts, it would be great!

Thanks a lot!!!!
I would go for the CJ option too, I used the 17 for 3 years and would still have it except i have gone integrated. If the XLR point is a deal breaker the CJ is out, if not, a strong recommendation.
Jafox...that Callisto preamp looks insane!!!! And I'm sure it is great, but it's out and beyond my price range at $8999.
The deHavilland Ultraverve and Mercury are very fine preamps however sans xlr.
Just go with the Manley Shrimp and be done with it! Has all your requirements including a stepless volume control.

I'm pretty surprised no one has mentioned VAC yet, but I would strongly recommend their preamps to fit your system.

I have a McCormack DNA-500 and a VAC Phi preamp and the synergy is incredible. My system also sounded good with my prior preamp, a VAC Standard LE, altho obviously not as good as it does with the Phi. Great imaging, detail, layering, soundstage, musicality, etc., etc., etc.

I believe the VAC preamps also fit your requirements above - XLR, remote, etc.

I have Legacy Whispers and the McCormack/VAC sound is truly magical. There have been several other people here on Agon who have tried this combo upon my recommendation, and they are now happy VAC/McCormack owners as well. Just my $.02