Blindjim: Signal strength / drive levels and SPL's are directly correlated in an audio system, albeit at a non-linear rate. This has to do with losses through-out the chain, mostly within the speakers. Most all of these losses are easily measured ( or at least approximated ) if one has the know-how and proper test equipment.
Having said that, the figures that i quoted were pertaining to actual line level measurements, not spl measurements. Since your reply was of a generic nature, i'm not certain if you were responding to Gregm as an individual, myself as an individual or both of us simultaneously. Obviously, we can't discuss the same subject if the subject being discussed and responded to is not clear. There is no body language to be interpreted over the net and we can't read your mind as to who you are talking to or where a specific comment was aimed at. As such, it helps to segment or identify who / what a specific reply is aimed at.
I don't think that anyone responding to your last few comments was being pedantic, so much as trying to figure out how and where you arrived at the figures that you proclaimed to be accurate. I'll have to assume that you avoided clarifying the issue for specific reasons and let it go.
Other than that, i hope that this thread has given you some insight as to the many variables involved. Given your last response, it would appear that you're now answering your own questions, so i guess we're done here. Toodles.... Sean
Having said that, the figures that i quoted were pertaining to actual line level measurements, not spl measurements. Since your reply was of a generic nature, i'm not certain if you were responding to Gregm as an individual, myself as an individual or both of us simultaneously. Obviously, we can't discuss the same subject if the subject being discussed and responded to is not clear. There is no body language to be interpreted over the net and we can't read your mind as to who you are talking to or where a specific comment was aimed at. As such, it helps to segment or identify who / what a specific reply is aimed at.
I don't think that anyone responding to your last few comments was being pedantic, so much as trying to figure out how and where you arrived at the figures that you proclaimed to be accurate. I'll have to assume that you avoided clarifying the issue for specific reasons and let it go.
Other than that, i hope that this thread has given you some insight as to the many variables involved. Given your last response, it would appear that you're now answering your own questions, so i guess we're done here. Toodles.... Sean