Amplifier Weight. A Factor?

With majority of the good high-end amplifiers exceeding 100lb, it is actually painful to move them. So, here are questions to all.
Is amplifier’s weight a factor in your amplifier selection?
If you own heavy weight amps (i.e. Krell FPB600/180lb, Levinson 33/365 lb), how do you handle them without scratch?

Although you need big and heavy transformer to have true high power output, it is difficult to handle. I sold my krell 700 cx because of that and go for Nagra VPA.
my favorite amplifier is the conrad johnson mv 125. another amp i liked a lot was the quicksilver ms 190. both amps weigh over 80 pounds.

its a sample not a universe.

if you like the amp weight should not matter.

better to buy one heavy amp than buy and sell 5 lighter weighing amp.
Efficient speakers enable you to pursue high performance amplification without heavy weight. A side benefit lies in being able to buy high quality low power for the price of medium quality high power. My main amp weighs 12 lbs. and my sub amp weighs about 45 lbs.They are state of the art products and I have a little over $2K total in them.
Yes, amplifier weight affected my choice of both amps and speakers.
Weight most definitely is a factor. My butler & valet both have hernias. As soon as they recuperate from surgery, I`m buying a new, heavier amp.
Everything else being equal (and in reality it never is) the reason that large amps are very heavy is they have very heavy transformers which you really need to get high quality power and things like subterranian bass.

Unless of course your amps have superb, richly toned and articulated bass, reveal hand built quality, output 135 watts into 4 ohms, have *no* transformer, and weigh in at a paltry 35 pounds each. I suppose this is the vanishing equality part of reality you were getting at. :-)
