Anyone using Nuforce Ref 9 Mono Blocks?

I've just started reading up on this amp. Does anyone have experience with this brand?
While I have never heard either of the amps you are considering, I highly recommend doing something similar to what Tvad is advising. Speaking from my experience, the only way to have peace of mind in my audio equipment decisions is to do A/B comparisons with both components in my room. When I have strayed from this step, I always have had indecision at some later point down the line. There just is no substitute for peace of mind in this hobby. Of course staying with reasonably mainstream equipment helps with the ease of resale. Good luck with your decision.
I , too am thinking about getting the little amp? Is there a issue if you listen to fm radio ( off the air) , I read somewhere that you can't listen to radio with it? intereference? anyone want to shed some light into this?
I couldn't listen to FM radio or our baby monitor, even on the next floor. But the are VERY good. I sold the pair I had only because I didn't feel the rest of my system was up to these amps. I plan on owning another pair sometime in the future, but I think everything else in my system needs to be improved first.

For the money and the size, I think they're hard (if not impossible) to beat.
Well if you can't listen to FM radio, that isn't very good, even though I only listen to it once in a while.