Anyone using Nuforce Ref 9 Mono Blocks?

I've just started reading up on this amp. Does anyone have experience with this brand?
I couldn't listen to FM radio or our baby monitor, even on the next floor. But the are VERY good. I sold the pair I had only because I didn't feel the rest of my system was up to these amps. I plan on owning another pair sometime in the future, but I think everything else in my system needs to be improved first.

For the money and the size, I think they're hard (if not impossible) to beat.
Well if you can't listen to FM radio, that isn't very good, even though I only listen to it once in a while.
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Boy I dunno Dazman, don't get me wrong, the Bryston is good gear, but I personally have had a plethora of fine solid state (& tube) amps, many with similar topology to the Bryston, and the NuForce 9SE is in a whole 'nother league, IMO. You would do well to at least audition the NuForce. With the 30 day guarantee, what do you have to lose?

In my set-up, the NuForces sounded better, in every parameter, than my then Pass X250.5, which I believe most folks would agree is a better amp than the Bryston 4b, so that is saying alot.

Check out my virtual system and some of my posted reviews to see the lengthy list of "fallen amp soldiers" that came before the Nuforces. Good luck!