Speaker match with Pass Labs XA-160

Just upgraded to XA-160 monos. Currently running X-350 with an X-1 pre. Speakers are Audio Physic Virgo IIs with REL Storm III subs in stereo config. Any thoughts on full range speakers that would match well with these gems.
cwlondon: based on my experience with the new .5 amps, I would say they are very much up to the task. Now they are never going to sound like tube amps. So if you are looking for some serious warm, liquid, palpable sound, then I think you should look for tubes. However, if you want the best of ss and tubes then the I think the new .5 or XA Pass Labs give you this.
Dunlavy SC-IV, both are known for the accuracy, i.e. hi-fidelity if you can handle the truth!
Apparently Jack Nickelson(Cdma)didn't understand this thread or is lost without a purpose.
This thread also ended up in a Wine tasting room with some none related commentary, "dry and airy with a lingering analytical nose"!
Thanks for the heads up on the 802Ds. My plan was to bi-amp with X600.5s and my XA-160s for the mids and highs. It does not look like it's going to happen in the near future. My wife, who I love dearly, is showing signs of concern for my mental stability combined with a unhealthy dose of mistrust and disbelief. I may even have to sell my XA-160s. I think I will lick my wounds and fight this battle another day! If I do get the 802Ds and manage to hold on to my XA-160s, I can bi-amp with my X-350 for now.
I had also planned to upgrade my X-1 pre to an X-0.2....c'est la vie!
Cheers, Greg
Boa2, Now I am a little confused.
Understanding that it is always difficult to describe sound, I don't put:
"dry, incisive, neutral"...
in the same family as "liquid", palpable,warm musical, natural, wonderful, fabulous, gorgeous, I love it, let's rush right out and spend a few thousand dollars more on new amps.
Neither did I. I don't hear "liquid, palpable, warm, musical, etc." when I listen to Pass gear. Others might, however.

As I said above, if you like the Pass sound, they work well with the Andra II's. I would also suggest that if you have been pleased with your Levinson amps, the Pass are definitely worth a listen.
Boa, The problem with the Andra IIs... very hard to find on the used market.
Anyone heard Talon matched up with Pass gear?