Speaker match with Pass Labs XA-160

Just upgraded to XA-160 monos. Currently running X-350 with an X-1 pre. Speakers are Audio Physic Virgo IIs with REL Storm III subs in stereo config. Any thoughts on full range speakers that would match well with these gems.
Dunlavy SC-IV, both are known for the accuracy, i.e. hi-fidelity if you can handle the truth!
Apparently Jack Nickelson(Cdma)didn't understand this thread or is lost without a purpose.
This thread also ended up in a Wine tasting room with some none related commentary, "dry and airy with a lingering analytical nose"!
Thanks for the heads up on the 802Ds. My plan was to bi-amp with X600.5s and my XA-160s for the mids and highs. It does not look like it's going to happen in the near future. My wife, who I love dearly, is showing signs of concern for my mental stability combined with a unhealthy dose of mistrust and disbelief. I may even have to sell my XA-160s. I think I will lick my wounds and fight this battle another day! If I do get the 802Ds and manage to hold on to my XA-160s, I can bi-amp with my X-350 for now.
I had also planned to upgrade my X-1 pre to an X-0.2....c'est la vie!
Cheers, Greg
Boa2, Now I am a little confused.
Understanding that it is always difficult to describe sound, I don't put:
"dry, incisive, neutral"...
in the same family as "liquid", palpable,warm musical, natural, wonderful, fabulous, gorgeous, I love it, let's rush right out and spend a few thousand dollars more on new amps.
Neither did I. I don't hear "liquid, palpable, warm, musical, etc." when I listen to Pass gear. Others might, however.

As I said above, if you like the Pass sound, they work well with the Andra II's. I would also suggest that if you have been pleased with your Levinson amps, the Pass are definitely worth a listen.
Boa, The problem with the Andra IIs... very hard to find on the used market.
Anyone heard Talon matched up with Pass gear?
Perhaps, I'm mistaken here, but, I thought I read in TAS that Nelson Pass didn't think that the XA-160's should be used with speakers that dropped below 6 Ohms.