Passive Pre - No Regrets?

I'm interested in hearing from folks who have moved from a high quality active preamp (I'm currently using a CAT SL1 Ulitmate)to a passive preamp and have had no regrets. I'm particularly interested in hearing from those that have switched to a Placette or Sonic Euphoria (the two I'm considering). I'm using a CAT JL2 Amp feeding Merling VSM-MX.
I have found that a good compromise is a passive-aggressive preamp. It's kind of the best of both worlds, only more.
I currently have both a Placette balanced RVC and a balanced PLC Sonic Euphoria preamp feeding NuForce Ref9.02 amps from the balanced outputs of a Marantz SA-11S1 CDP. I have compared both at length over the past 6 months against each other. I have found that the PLC sounds best to me with either my Triangle Antals or Dali Ikon 6 speakers. The RVC sounds better with my Paradigm Studio 60s. I attribute this to the PLC having better low frequency output which compliments the limited bass Antals and Dali 6s better. And the faster speed of the carbon drivers in these speakers makes up for the somewhat slower pace and more rounded nature of the PLC. On the other hand I think the RVC itself sounds faster with more detail than the PLC and creates a better synergy with the slower but better bass providing Studio 60's. When I ran the 60s with the PLC it sounded a bit congested and heavy while the RVC with the Antals or Ikons sounded too transparent and analytic. I would say, therefore, that it will depend mostly upon your system components and will even vary from recording to recording. I had only planned on holding onto one passive, but find I like them both in their own ways and still can't decide which to keep. They are both great units. Maybe after my next upgrade to "better" speakers I'll make that decision?
Agree with TBG. I have tried passive pre-amps (Placette) for one. Very clean, but does not have the dynamic punch. I currently use the H-Cat pre and it is IMHO, the best pre-amp that I have ever heard in my 50 years of this this wild, crazy hobby called Audiophilia. Love it, but love the music better. I used to have an old RCA windup Victrola when I was a kid and I would buy used 78 RPM records from a company that serviced juke boxes at 6 per $1.00. This was back in the l940's. Anyhow, still going strong at ths hobby.
i was the very happy owner of the Balanced version of the Placette passive RVC for 5 years until about a year ago when i replaced the $1800 Placette with the $23k darTZeel NHB-18NS. the Placette replaced the Levinson #32 preamp back in 2001 and then proceeded to easily better maybe 10 to 15 preamps in my system over 5 years. this includes quite a few $10k to $15k units as well as a few other passives.

there were a couple of pre's that were at the same level of the Placette overall but with trade-offs.

i did compare the Placette to the Bent Audio passive here;

a few above posts comment that the Placette passive lacks dynamics compared to other passives or some of the best active pre's. that was not my experience 'except' in the case of the battery powered darTZeel; which has dynamics beyond anything i have heard. my experience was that assuming that the interconnects between the Placette and the amp were kept very short (1 meter maximum and .5 meter ideally) and the input impedence of the amp was sufficiently high, the Placette offered SOTA dynamics and really micro-dynamic life that was amazing.

at $1000 list price for the single-ended version and $1800 for the balanced version the Placette RVC has such a high price/value relationship that one can hardly have any excuse not to at least try one. the passive linestage is $400 more (for the single-ended version) and has equal performance.

it remains the second best pre i have yet heard.

unconditionally recommended.
I also have tried the passive route a couple of times in the last decade. Yes, initially there is some satisfaction about clarity, blacker background, etc. However, I always wind up missing the dynamic impact and rythmatic drive that only a active preamp can bring. The active has more body and soul to the music, IMHO.

I compare it to listening to Nordost Valhalla cables. Initially they are breathtaking, but over time, I found them to be too thin and lacking musical weight for my tastes.

Obviously some will have different opinions, but they are wrong. :-)

(I'm kidding guys!)
