I had a transformer based passive for a while, (Bent Audio TVC)..."extreamly good sound" untill I made many system changes, ie...amp, speakers, and new (much larger) room. This caused my move back to an active preamp a couple of years ago.
I'm now using a tubed preamp (Audioprism Mantissa)...like Bob above, I'm "more" than happy with the Mantissa preamp I now have in place of the passive.
So, in answer to your "regrets" question...I had no regrets going passive...and no regrets (now), after going back to active
I'm now using a tubed preamp (Audioprism Mantissa)...like Bob above, I'm "more" than happy with the Mantissa preamp I now have in place of the passive.
So, in answer to your "regrets" question...I had no regrets going passive...and no regrets (now), after going back to active