Passive Pre - No Regrets?

I'm interested in hearing from folks who have moved from a high quality active preamp (I'm currently using a CAT SL1 Ulitmate)to a passive preamp and have had no regrets. I'm particularly interested in hearing from those that have switched to a Placette or Sonic Euphoria (the two I'm considering). I'm using a CAT JL2 Amp feeding Merling VSM-MX.
Well one thing does seem for sure. It is worth trying the PLacette to see what you think in your system, with your music, with your tastes. To me it was revelatory. IN the end you may not like the passive route for whatever reason. But it seems to me that every audiophile should at least try one if possible. What I most notice is that instead of listening for sound attributes (bass, imaging, speed, etc.) I suddenly noticed that songs are more intellegible in terms of emotion and meaning. The point of the song was clearer to me. While I always like and search for "sound" improvements, this aspect of intellegibilty seems more profound and satisfying. That's the best I can describe it.
I'm not sure how it can sound any better the the Placette Passive RVC, but I have decided to buy their Active Linestage (based on some comments and conversations I have had with other members). If you are interested, I have put my passive RVC up for sale today (January)
I am surprised that as much as you like your Placette RVC that you are selling it without knowing for sure that you'll actually like the active version better. Why not hang onto it to do a comparison and then sell the one then that you like the least.
Good advice. But I'll put money on you liking the Active at least as much and probably more.
The active is coming this week so I will A/B them, but I'm not sure the active will sound better (that much better?)- but I am considering a Pass amp and I don't think the passive approach will work with them due to their very low input impedance - I think the active will provide more flexibility with low ipedance amps I may want to try in the future. The CAT JL2 (like most two amps) just happens to have a very good input impedance (100 kohms) for the RVC.