preamp suggetions for mid lvl system

I didn't see my earlier post up, so here goes.

Any suggestions on which SS preamp to pair with a B&K ST-2140. I need two sets of outputs so narrowed it down to

Parasound Halo P3
NAD C162
Rotel RC-1090

wanted to go tube but concerned about reliabilty and service options in India
Find a good deal on a Classe CP50. Amazing preamp and I have had many. Check my "system" link for lots more info. The CP50 is never bright and is very very refined. Cost $3300 new but you can get them for around $800 now. High level performance at mid level price.
Keroo, check out a used bryston pre. They would be nice, neutral and reliable. I'm using an Odyssey Tempest Extreme that I'm happy with. i'm not sure that it would be easy to locate in India. Bryston would most likely be easier to find.
The Rotel RC-955 is a very refined pre-amp. Not at all bright sounding. Musical best sums it up. I like this pre-amp better than the Bryston BP-25 which I owned previously. Plus, the Rotel has a superb phono section. For what these pre-amps are going for used, a steal. The Classe suggestion by Aball sounds good as well. Haven't heard the NAD C-162, I'm sure it's a fine unit as well. The B&K was too dark sounding IMO and it did not sonically impress me at all. Perhaps in another system w/different comonents......Bill.
many thanks for all the suggestions. But it seems that once you get to a certain 'level' in your music system the only way to 'flavour' the sound to your liking is to keep swapping units. (unless you spend obscene amounts of money I guess)

Would like to know how long one lets a 'new' piece burn in with the old system before deciding its better or worse