Trying to extract more from my Vandersteen

I've come to the realization that my ideal system is always 2 steps ahead of whatever my current system is. I am only satisfied with whatever updgrade for a few months, before I convince myself that I need to upgrade again. This is as exciting as it is unsettling.

My current system is as follows:
Vandersteen 2CE sig
McCormack DNA-1 deluxe
TAD-150 sig tube preamp
Eastern Electric Minimax tube CDP
Blue circle Power cords
MIT IC's and speaker cables

I had spent the past two years building this current system, and I had been fairly happy with it. I thank this system for introducing me to the world of jazz. Switching to tubes really helped my Vandersteens "sing". I had entertained the thought of replacing the McCormack with a tube amp, such as TAD-60 or other equivalent, but I never did. I was happy with my system and figured it would remain intact for awhile.

Then something had to rain on my happiness or complaceny. Due to a busy work schedule, I was forced to do most of my music listening either in my office through my old NHT and all rotel setup or at home through my Sennheiser headphones. After a couple months of this, I finally had time to do some listening through my main system. It had never been apparent to me before, but all the music coming out of the Vandersteens sounded "veiled". Before, I purchased my vandies, I read and heard all the criticisms regarding this "veiled" or "shrouded" sound. I never felt this was true about my vandersteen's until now.

So instead of making generalizations, I figure this is a good opportunity to "improve" my system. I am still more than happy with the soundstage, midrange clarity, and bass dynamics. Perhaps what I want to improve is higher frequency extension.

All this being said, I welcome all recommendations and comments that need not be limited to the following topics:


Any recommendations on pre-amps (tube or SS)?
How about a passive unit (Sonic Euphoria, Placette, Mccormack TLC)?

anyone recommend Purist?

Any good integrated's out there?
What do you think about the Eastern Electric Integrated?
How about Krell KAV 400xi? For that matter, how does Krell match with Vandersteens?

Thanks for reading, and I look forward to reading your comments.

I was using McCormack amps with my Vandy's until I tried Channel Islands D200's. Personally, I think class D amps are a good match for Vandy's. They are very revealing amps and coupled with the Vandy's darker nature for me is a good combination.I'm using the 3 sigs, and the McCormack was a DNA 1 revA Gold
I'll also come down on the side that perhaps the system can be saved with current speakers. Most of the components in your system is more on the clean and clear side.

I was at a Vandersteen event a week ago, and the dealer (Audio Connection) really seemed to understand how to get the best out of them. Just about all of my previous exposures to stock Vandersteens is the same as you are experiencing now, more on the dark and rich side than I really prefer. One of the things I noticed was the use of silver cabling.

With that in mind, please try this first, replace the MIT loudspeaker cables with something more forward, such as Kimber 8TC. No, they're not silver, but they are quite affordable. I have been around systems that really sprang to life when the MIT cables were removed (the converse is also true, they were needed). Also, try toeing the speakers in, so that the tweeters are aiming right at your ears - this will extract the maximum amount of jump factor a speaker can provide, in addition to my belief that it also is tops when it comes to imaging.

If these two things really opens things up, you may just be all set.

If things are still a bit too laid back, you may want to consider moving to a different speaker at that point. Or, one additional option, Millersound. I have personally heard the improvements Bill Legall can wrest from a pair of Vandersteens, and in my opinion, they are most significant. Somehow, he is really able to get them to wake up. This would be far more cost effective than moving to another pair of speakers.
Might it be time for the 3A Sigs? I run those off a DNA-1 Deluxe and a Rogue Magnum 66 pre. No veil, at leasat to my ear.

I dont know what cable would be the answer but NIT may be taking some sizzle away from your gear.

Hi Drew,

You have a lot of questions on the table, and I will not respond to all.

You have already implicated the Vandersteen's, ...perhaps Tyler's would suit you better (I have no experience with the Tyler's).

The Krell integrated will definitaly not be an improvment in my opinion, but maybe a Gamut integrated will be. I use a Gamut 200 MKII (as does my friend with Vandersteen III Signatures - having switched from a Krell integrated 300i). The Gamut is very natural sounding. However, I think the McCormick is hard to beat at the price.

I have no experience with your other components.

I do highly recommend Purist Cables, but really belive that you shoud address your speaker issues first.

Good Luck,
