What are the best tube amps for Klipschorns?

I hav a pair of Klipschorns and a pair of LaScalas used together. With sensitivity of 104dB each, these don't need much power. I have a 125wpc Mark Levinson 334 ss amp now that has to be attenuated 20dB before it reaches the preamp. I'm after the bass punch and extreme detail of the ML, but in a lower powered, lower weight tube amp.
I had a friend over last week with a 2 1/2 watt 2A3 based SET integrated. It is amazing to me, what 2 1/2 watts can do with a Klipschorn corner horn. It doesn't take much to get thunder from those monsters!
I'm after the bass punch and extreme detail of the ML, but in a lower powered, lower weight tube amp.
I've owned the La Scala's & now own the Klipschorns. I've heard many tube amps with them, and none would I describe as having the "bass punch and extreme detail" of a Levinson amp. In fact, I've never heard a tube amp that could mimic the bass & hyper detail of a good SS amp. That isn't to dismiss them by any means, because they bring other qualities to the music that SS cannot. But if you are wanting to maintain the bass & detail that your current amps provide, I don't think tube amps are going to deliver, and certainly not a lower powered, low weight amp. Sure, 2.5 watts powering those speakers will make your ears bleed, but not with the weight & detail that you are hearing now...not even close. May I suggest you consider a good tube preamp to go with your Levinsons? Or is it something other than warmth you are wanting to bring into the system?
Boa2, I've been told that tubes provide smoothness and warmth that can't be found in ss amps. On the other hand, I don't want to give up the punch and detail found in the Mark Levinson ss amp. I was hoping that I could have my cake and eat it too. If no such animal exists, perhaps I could power the Khorns with the ML amp for punch and detail and get a smooth sounding tube amp for the LaScalas in the center. The problem is would the different sound of the two amps fight each other?