I have in the back of my head that sometime soon I will sell off 1 pair of my speakers and maybe a second string pair of amps and some other extra stuff to help finance the high eff. tube amp setup that I have been wanting to try for quite some time. It would become the 2-channel a/v system in my family room I'm thinking.
The problem is mainly that things sound so good their already that its hard to justify added cost of another change but sometimes its nice to try things just for the sake of trying something different.
This thread and related info has helped solidify Ankit/Tekton as a frontrunner for me as well when the time comes.
It would mainly just require three analog inputs one of which would be a external phono pre-amp.
I have in the back of my head that sometime soon I will sell off 1 pair of my speakers and maybe a second string pair of amps and some other extra stuff to help finance the high eff. tube amp setup that I have been wanting to try for quite some time. It would become the 2-channel a/v system in my family room I'm thinking.
The problem is mainly that things sound so good their already that its hard to justify added cost of another change but sometimes its nice to try things just for the sake of trying something different.
This thread and related info has helped solidify Ankit/Tekton as a frontrunner for me as well when the time comes.
It would mainly just require three analog inputs one of which would be a external phono pre-amp.