Ayre V-1Xe vs VTL 450

Has anyone compared the Ayre V-1xe to the VTL 450? I know they are at different price points, but what were the sonic differences? What were the strengths and weaknesses of each?
Both amplifiers are well designed, well built yet still sensibly priced. Both manufacturers are active in seeking new technologies and are some of the best at voicing their products. I'm sure both manufactures are seeking the same goals but using two extremely different methods. Considering the advancements in cabling and speaker designs your question is difficult to answer as an owner of multiple amplifiers of the three classes I would say the cooling fins on the V-1 can get warm and the tubes on my MFA get hot.

With the right ancillary equipment you can make either amplifier sound more correct, involving, musical etc. than the other. I would certainly question anybody making a blanket suggestion of superiority of a certain technology over another. I would also be extremely skeptical of someone who would describe either Luke Manley or Charles Hansen as a bafoon. Both manufactures frequent audio sites and both have been genuinely helpful to many.

You have picked two very regarded world class manufactures, which ever you decide on you won't be let down.

Dennis, under Mr. Miller's post is a blue highlighted link named 'System.' Click it to see what seems to be a very nice apartment in what I can only assume is a very Twaddling Town.

Kmiller5, Personally, I've often admired this system. I recently heard the Quatros way out in the middle of a large high ceiling and well voiced room powered by Ayre monoblocks. They sounded twice their size compared to my earlier audition in an over dampened showroom. These are some remarkable speakers worthy of even the most exotic electronics. I would guess that you will hear differences with any change in upstream equipment.


oops. my bad. sorry. (thanks vic for so kindly pointing that link out)

lots of warmish gear/cables. the ayre might actually sound better. let us know what you ended up trying.
I ended up switching out my Ayre K-5xe preamp for the Audio Research Ref 3. The results were not subtle. Unfortunately, I don't have a VTL dealer anywhere close (Chicago), but after hearing the Ref 3, I am seriously considering the matching amps. I have also read/heard great things about some of the digital amps out there and am thinking of trying the Spectron Musician III since I can get a 30 day demo for free. I am getting pretty close to where I want the system. I think a change in the amp and perhaps some cable changes will get me to where I want to be. Beyond that, I'll need to make changes to the room. I may also look into a speaker upgrade, but that is a ways down the road. The Quatros are pretty amazing and everytime I put better electronics in front of them, they just keep getting better.