Speaker power ratings vs. aplifier power ratings?

This is probably a stupid question that has been answere here many times but her it goes anyway......

If a speaker is rated at 120 WPC at 4 ohms such as my Green Mountain Europa's how close to that power rating do I have to stay near when choosing an amplifier?

In other words, does 120WPC mean 120WPC with no room for deviation?

I'll third that. You want plenty of power to avoid clipping if you listen loud at all. Ratings are very ambiguous and mean little as there's no standard.
One problem I've had: in my Analog phono system, I literally blew out a woofer at fairly high volume not from clipping, too much power or music transience but from amplifying a fairly warped record. the wide subsonic excursions finally did in one woofer... anyone else have this problem? Now I monitor visually the woof's while playing LP's to make sure the warps are not too out of line and if too much then lower the volume. Also have to make sure the vol. is down when lifting the tonearm. A really powerful high current amp can do some damage in these areas.
I agree that they are just guidelines and would further suggest that they are just arbitrarily assigned values. I doubt seriously if any speaker manufacturer "crash tests" their speakers to see what their limits are. Generally I have seen a range proposed, meaning maybe 10 watts is needed as a minmum for satisfactory results and anything over 300 watts might put your prized speakers in jeopardy.
Unless you have very unusual speakers, you can stop thinking about this topic.
Lastly, I would tell you to call GMA yourself about such things as Roy is better qualified than all of us together to comment on Europas. I'm sure you'll find he is happy to help.