Integrated amp reccomendations

Hey all,
I want to upgrade my amplifier. I would like to stay in the integrated solid state world. I don't want the hassle or worrying about tubes, and a preamp-amp combo is probably out of my price range. My system is a Cambridge Audio Azur 640C CD player, an NAD C370 integrated amp, Sonus Faber Concerto Home speakers, and a REL Stadium III subwoofer. I use Cardas Cross Speaker cables, and Monster M550 Interconnects. OH! I also have a Musical FIdelity X10-V3 tube buffer between the CD player and integrated. I would like to buy a(new or used) integrated that will take a little of the hardness/edginess away from the sound. Give it a more fluid, life-like quality. It has to have enough power to run the Concerto's in a medium to large sized room with vaulted ceilings. The bass is handled by the REL, but I still want that midbass presence out of the Concertos. Lastly, I don't want to break the bank. I listen to everything from hard rock/metal to classical and acoustic music. Progressive rock/metal is my favorite, but of course, being progressive, it has a little of everything in it.

I know this is a tall order, but I need help.
My NAD always received good write-ups. Should I stick with it, or is there something reasonable in price that would be a real improvement?

Thanks in advance!
i agree with bigtee about room treatment etc. own a NAD 372 int. and found it not hard sounding but some nad stuff can be... dunno about 370. i just purchased a scott nixon DAC for my NAD cdp and it makes for a really nice improvement in average cd sound. check out his site. makes a model with tube power very affordable and interesting approach to DAC. i don't think the amp is the problem as much as i have read from this string. imo sounds like a DAC solution may be the ticket along with some well placed wall panels. bigtee has made some very astute points. good luck, you have a nice system going there already.
I'd love to mess with room treatments, but I don't think the others living here would be appreciative. I don't have a dedicated listening room. The system is in a large, vaulted ceiling, great room.
Here's a thought: What if used the NAD as a linestage feeding a PASS labs X-150? That way I can upgrade to seperates later. Everyone says Pass is very clean and musical.
Of the three you are down to, I would prefer the 9100, Iv'e heard the A5 and very much prefer the A308, Iv'e heard the NAD and think they are "only OK". Keep it simple at this price range, mixing and matching with so-so preamps into so-so amp is crazy making, especially if price of really good interconnect is figured in. Mike.
agreee with cheapmike to a point, in that room environment fiddling around with ss amps will not have a helluva effect without going high dollar...imo. vaulted ceilings can be a hindrance with non acoustic source.(as well as acoustic) did you find the scott nixon website? he is willing to speak personally to you and is very honest about recommending suitable gear. fwiw, tubes are not that big of a hassle nowadays and you have the sub for any loss of bass slam. i switched from NAD to tubes + sub, could you 'borrow' some tubes and audition them? other than warm up time they are not that big of a hassle once you get used to them and harshness is nearly obliterated usually.