
Just how good is the Dynaco Pas-3 pre amp? Pat-4 pre amp? I am thinking getting one to use with a Audio Research power amp mostly because I need to save money. Any thoughts? Thanks Nick
The reviews of the PAT4 in Stereophile years ago put it in the same league as the PAS-3. I got a PAT4 on ebay for $75 that works great. They are old, though and I think it takes a little bit of luck to get a decent one (either 3 or 4) sight unseen. there have been several 3's here on audiogon recently. One thing I have found with old vintage equipment is that the ear of the beholder (ie the seller) is sometimes more charitible than another's ear. Good luck. Also if you can find a Hafler preamp--they are newer and from the same lineage.
But it takes a lot of work.

Switches are noisy,
Power supply needs a lot of help
Circuit boards used cheap substrates and tend to lift, decay and sound bad

A nice, well restored PAS3 can sound very nice indeed, but a ratty old ebay one is likely to require lots of work. Of course if you think this stuff is fun (as I do) then it's a nice challenge.

My $.02
Hope this helps!
