Tact Pre Amps 2.2XP

For some reason this post last wound up under "Speakers." Go figure. Anyway, I am thinking of purchasing one of these. There's a unit on Audiogon for $3495. Is it worth the investment?
I have used one with great success, it seem to make my system sound better than any of the other fine preamps I tried, like Hovland, CJ, and Musical Fidelity KW.
I've been using one for over a year now. I was a die-hard straight-wire-with-gain guy for 28 yrs until the 2.2X came along. I've also been bi-amping for 26 yrs. My last dividing network consisted of a Dahlquist DQLP-1 for low pass/level control/balance, and a pair of polypropylene caps installed in my Placette Passive Linestage(at the OFC RCAs) for a high pass filter. Nothing else between the source and amps. Lots of room treatment, but- there will always be Sabine factors in ANY room. The Tact affords SO much flexibilty/control over time domain/frequency parameters, at SO little cost in transparency(virtually non-existent): I couldn't live without it now. The customer service they offer at TacT is second to none, by the way. Anthony H Cordesman wrote a review sometime back on my unit(the X), and then purchased one for his own system.( http://www.avguide.com/products/product-3039/?download=%2Ffile-download%3Freview%3D1594) Had The Absolute Sound writers(Robert Harley/Robert E Greene) not given it such favorable reviews: I'd have passed it up(having had no faith in digital manipulation for so long). What a paradigm shift!!
make sure you get the powersupply upgraded! otherwise it's just barely passible as a preamp. The only difference between the newer and the older is you don't have to use a computer to setup.
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Previous responses, ditto

Any sacrifice in transparency is more than made up for by the time and node/standing wave elimination.

30 years in high end, straight wire guy, now proseletyzing for Tact digital and timing eq. Not just EQ, Rives does a great job with that, with a less intrusive method and no DACs required. Timing is also very important in EQing and Tact has that in spades.

This is my second TacT, first was 2.0, (2 years ago) now have full tilt MauiMod 2.2x (owned for a few months now) that is in place of an Emotive Sira and used with Esoteric 50s, VPH TNT and VDH Black Beauty, Ensemble Phono Brio, Sme V, Soundlabs, Wolcotts, Siltech... etc. Good stuff, I think, but never heard it so good until Tact took care of the room.

All rooms have issues and I used ASC, Slat foam and other conventional stuff, (Wife "gave me" a room in the house for audio)but never heard the system before, I heard mostly the room. The other treatments help, but if you can't use them, say, for cosmetic purposes, you really need the Tact, otherwise, you just simply need the Tact.

Most important purchase I've ever made in audio, and I've made a bunch. I'd never go back.

I used to have the theory of the "musicians in my room" would sound like this, (with superimposed sonics) but now it's like I can eliminate my room and listen to the venue they recorded in. I'd never go back.

The learning curve is painfully steep, but worth it. I think you need to get a laptop if you don't have one, unless you have a computer in the audio room, so you can change eq curves while you're in the room.

Umm, can you tell I like it? I swear, I don't work for these guys!
