HELP Digital bad, vinyl good???

OK, boys and girls, I need your help. Besides the obvious philosophical implications, can anyone tell me why two CDPs (Exemplar 3910 and CAL CL-10) using two diff i/cs, and two diff inputs, are highly distorted and my vinyl rig sounds great? VAC Ren Mk2 pre. Doesn't the phono stage feed into the line stage and then to the output? HELP. No XMAS tunes on vinyl.
Sean- I could never disagree with your analysis because I have no knowledge in this area, but I will say that the distortion sounded like it was mostly in the vocal frequency range. and as far as I know, the BAMs (several generations ago) were optional with the VSM. The sound I got was very noticeable and totally unlistenable, even to my son who listens to MP3s played through his cell phone speaker!!!
Obviously, i wasn't there to hear what was going on, so i could be off in left field. Having said that, over-excursion of a mid-woofer can lend a distortion / vibrato effect to midrange and treble frequencies. Don't know if this is what you were hearing, etc... In severe cases of over-excursion, the driver will mechanically bottom out. This sounds VERY scary, as it should. Sean
It WAS a sort of vibrato gargling effect, if you will. GOne is good. Happy New Year everyone.