Most Quiet TUBE Preamp. Linestage. $ 12K or less

Hello gentlemen.
I am on the market now for an all TUBE preamp. Linestage only. My budget is $12K new or used. A main criteria is this tube preamp must be "Noiseless".

My main beef with tube preamps in the past is the Noise. I want dead silence. No HUM, No Buzz just dead silence.You can literally put your ear to the chasis and hear nothing.

Is there such an all Tube preamp that is Dead Silent ?

Joefama, Most everything, especially tube products, has some floor noise and whether you hear it or not depends on 1)speaker efficiency, 2)amp input sensitivity, and 3)pre-amp output gain, and pretty much in that order. I am unaware of any tube pre-amp which is 'always' going to be 'dead quiet' under any circumstances.

Good luck in your search.
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The quietest tubed preamp that I've ever heard was my old Herron VTSP-1A. It was dead silent and sounded excellent.