Naim Nait5i or Mira 3?

Thinking about purchasing one of these for a system I am building and would like input on which one is better and why. I am new to "Hi-Fi"and would like comments.

Thanks in advance
both are nice, but a better alrounder for about the same money is the creek. unless you want an all naim system, which is cool, start with speakers and work backwards`
not familiar with mira but the nait is very musical with amazing pace and rhythm. Not real powerful however.
Both are very nice integrateds for the money. Also, both have very nice mating CDP's as well. IMO, the Naim garners a little more detail while also presenting it more musically as well! Worth the extra $$$ IMO. Both pair nicely with the Totem Arro too, which is an exceptional speaker and would be appropriate to pair with either of these amps and in the appropriate price range. Maybe more information than you need or wanted? ;)