Gryphon Antileon Sig Mono vs Ref One Mono

Has anyone compared these two mono amps from Gryphon. The Ref Ones were supposed to be the best ever amps from Gryphon and no cost is spared in making them. I wonder how they stack up against their latest Antileon Mono.
Thanks guys for the responses. I have a pair of ATC SCM 100SL Passive and a pair of SF Extremas, speakers that love high current amps. Yes Kops, I agree with you that the Stereo can drive most speakers on the market. Just need some opinions on the bigger brothers.
I own an Antileon Stereo driving a pair of SF Amati Homage. Those speakers are known to be a difficult load but the amp drives them easily with enormous reserve of power in a fairly big listening room. My only serious criticism on using a Gryphon big amp is the warming time they need to provide their optimum (between three to four hours)
A friend of mine has the mono brothers with similar speakers and I am unable to tell a real sonic diference with my system at home (although he can, in his electricity bill!). Regards
I am considering both the Antileon Stereo and the Encore. Can you tell the difference (I don't mean minor ones) between these two? I also think that the Monos are overkill.
Pedro your preamp is?

I'm thinking of matching Gr. Antilleon Sig. with SF Amati anniversario some time.
Unfortunately I have no direct experience on the Encore. There are however several facts you should consider about the Antileon:
(1) you should pair it with a preamplifier of similar excellence (the Gryphon Sonata Allegro is wonderful, although very expensive, but so are other amplifiers in that league). The Gryphon integrated Diablo amplifier should be a very effective compromise
(2) as I told you before, the warming period is considerable and can interfere with your listening habits. Just to cope with situations like having short listening periods available, I bought a pair of Audio Valve monoblocks (¡five minutes and ready!). On the other hand, a fellow Agoner mentioned that he keeps his Antileon on the whole day, something I cannot afford in expensive Europe.
(3) You can choose between 50, 75 or 100% pure class A. The two first provide a very good SS sound, the third one approaches a (very good) valve amp. The heat dissipated by the amp is considerable and depending on room size and/or the climate you live you may need air conditioning: otherwise, you experience a sauna.
(4) the amp is heavy (two persons are needed to move it)
So, when all conditions are met you enjoy a gorgeous sound, which might be a bit on the bright side with SF speakers. If the amp has not warmed enough time, the sound might be harsh.
Hope it helps. Regards