Feedback on Audiogon

I just wanted to express how pleased I am with Audiogon. I couldn't be happier with how my recent auction went. The fee is much more reasonable than Ebay, and the buyer was great. Thanks for a great site!
Oh. I forgot to mention; the information and entertainment value of the site is priceless.
pubul57 all transactions have to be positive, since they won't let you leave negative feedback, kinda defeats the purpose of having feedback!
Nrchy, that's for sure. You give me negative feedback, nah, nee nah nee, I'll give you negative feedback back. Then, again, if a 'goner has a plethora of positive feedback it is unlikely that they will have an equal number of negative..I would feel safe going with an audiophool, here on the the 'gon, with a fast positive resume all the of probability: there will be a negative here and there, but I would hope that wouldn't be me...
I was not referring to the feedback, I meant to say that my personal dealings as a buyer or seller have all been positive; true it has only been 6-8 transactions, but overall I deal with audiogon members with a high level of confidence - not that there might not be a bad apple out there.
"the information and entertainment value of the site is priceless".

And much of the information is entertainment.

The inability to leave negative feedback also makes people's ratings more entertainment than information. It seems like one of those warm cuddly exercises run amok.