Top ten tube preamps

What are your top 10 tube line stage preamps of all time?
Thansk Sutts, I can understand your pert comment better than 6 moons wind-y and winded review. The photos that 6 Moons provides of the guts looks pretty clean and neato. I always like to see the innerards of a unit.
I second the Melody - absolutely delighted with it - lush, musical, good detail. Excellent.
Herron VTSP-2
Aesthetix Calypso
The Audio Horizons 2.0nb mentioned above is very nice
Dodd Reference (and his new battery)
Thor (I think it was the 2000)

and the one I bought - VAC Renaissance Sig MKII

those a re a few of the ones I've heard that I really liked...
CAT, Jadis JPL, Audio Research Ref, Manley Wave, Audible Illusions Mod3, Atmasphere, Joule Elektra, Supratek, Aesthetix Callipso.
CAT Sl-1, First Sound Presence Deluxe, Emotive Audio, Herron, Ayre K1x, Wyetech Opal and Dartzeel NHB-18NS are seven must-listen choices if you are looking to buy the best for your needs and tastes.