Naim: Integrated & CDP vs. Creek : Int & CDP

I am considering these two contenders for a bedroom system.
The Naim would be the Nait 5I / CD 51 CDP vs. the Creek classic 5350 integrated/ classic CD50 II CDP. The difference in power between the two integrateds are probably a non issue as I will pair either integrated with
an effecient monitor like a small Proac or the like.
The Naim is rated at 50 WPC vs. the 90 WPC for the Creek.
I hope to enjoy this system in a similar way that I enjoy my reference tube based system. It will be much about emotional connecton here, as I will not be listening loud
and will probably be just chillin in bed most of the time.
I would like having the headphone jack that the stock
Creek 5350 has, but do not want to let it influence which Amp/ CDP combo I prefer.
Other like products in the running:
The last few issues of the Absolute sound dont help alot
as they have reviewed many of these and say they are all
ground breaking at their price points. I guess theyre all paying up front for their advertising. Thanks in advance for all your previous help and in advance for your future advice.
Thanks to all thus far. Mmm- maybe a plunge in to the Creek, which is not terrible as it is not cool or dry.
First, lets make things a little more interesting by adding
another contender. The Primare, which offers the I21 at the 5350SE price point. The Cayin is also interesting, but I just dont want to worry about having to shut it down before I shut down.
I can't make a direct comparison of the Nait 5i and Creek 5350, but I can tell you that the Nait 5i, which I own and use in my main system, is an extremely satisfying, musical piece of gear. I've been through a lot of amps, tube and solid-state, and the Nait 5i combines the virtues of both. In a second system, I use a Creek 4330 -- a superb little amp for the money. The Nait 5i is better, but if for some reason I had to live without the Nait, the little Creek would prove more than satisfactory. I guess my point is, either way you can't go wrong, and in the end it might come down to which is the better match with your speakers.
I am leaning heavily toward the Creek at this point, more so the Integrated than the CDP. I may even jump to the Destiny. I would now like to consider the speaker to mate
with the Creek. I am looking for a natural sound with warmth and texture. The Harbeth 7ES is one that I am considering. It is certainly suppose to have that out of the box sound, but how might it mate and sound with the 5350/Destiny.
I had the opprtunity to listen for a period of the time Harbeth Compact 7es2 + Nait 5i + CD5i. Its a very musical system. I'm contemplating of using these for a 2nd system but nonetheless its certainly satisfying & even worth replacing my main system.
The other speakers I have considered are Proac, Merlin Tsm,
and Spendor. I am worried that the aluminum tweeter in the Harbeth may prove a bit forward in the long run. My thought is the warmer Creek may balance this out with the
the Harbeth. FWIW I have an aluminum tweeter in my Vandy 5A, and it is just fine. I guess implementation does mean alot. C mon guys, jump in on this one. I know who knows.