How many us a Line Conditioner with a Big SS Amp

How many us a Line Conditioner with a Big Solid State power amplifier ? Such as a Big Threshold, Pass Labs, Krell, Levinson.

I am still not sure on using a line conditioner on my big power amps.

Thank you for your help.
Tvad, I have not. This is more general mr shunyata. By the way the Shunyata Hydra crapped out when used with my amplifier. So will be donating the Hydra to the needy.
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Joefama, I use the Running Springs Audio Jaco line conditioner, which is non current limiting, with my Pass Labs XA-100's and Threshold SA-1's with great success and no sonic downside as far as I can tell.

You will get many different opinions regarding ever to put power amps on line conditioners, so you will have to experiment/audition a few to see what happens in your system.
Tvad- No puzzling situation here. Just a little sarcasm on your end. Just wanted to get a feel on other's suggestion on using Big SS power amps with a line conditioner.

Thank you Teajay. Great to see another Vintage Threshold & PASS owner. Very happy with my amps.

I've ran my DNA 500 through a Hydra 2 and preferred it
that way over running it straight into the wall. I noticed
a slight decrease in dynamics and top end extension but
the benefits were a quieter background and a lot less
hash. The Hyrda's I had never gave me a problem.
