power reserves

If looking for an amp, is it alwasy best to find one with the biggest caps like krell?Larger= better?
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No. The size or quantity of filter caps is irrelevant. What's relevant is the performance and price (what you like vs. what you can afford) as there are many factors that determine amp performance and many trade-offs are made to meet a price point.

One of the things that cost-no-object reference quality amps use are high slew filter caps, which are four to five times more expensive than off-the-shelf caps for a given size. This will affect the sound in a greater magnitude than the microfarad capacity since its able to charge/discharge faster and have less inductance. So if you only look to size or quantity, you miss the point - better peforming parts make a better product overall.
yes. I read Mccormack and NAD amps use the multiple smaller = faster thinking. I was wondering if it sounds better? Why are there 2 schools of thought. It sounds to me that thereis no single formula to getting a good sounding amp.
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