Tube pre-amps: turn off when not in use?

I just recently purchased a BAT vk-31se - my first true tube product (aside from MF tube buffer). I normally keep all components on, day and night. Was just wondering if any of the more experienced tube users turn off their components when not in use to increase tube life.

I own 2 tubed pre-amps, which, in the past, I have left on continuosly. The tube life on both of these units used in this fashion is about 1 year. Now that I am using NOS tubes, I turn the pre-amps off when not in use.
I turn mine off when not in use. Have you seen the price of NOS 6H30's? At $200/pop, it'll cost you $800 to re-tube your VK-31SE with them.
for tube pre-amp-- its ok to turn off when not in use.
for solid state pre-amp-- its better to leave on all the time. These takes time to warm up.
Since I get to listen mostly over the weekend, I turn on my pre on Friday evening and off Sunday evening. Minimizes tube loss.
I was blissfully unaware of the cost of the tubes. It will cost me roughly $500-1,000/year (Canadian) to keep my pre running?