Tube pre-amps: turn off when not in use?

I just recently purchased a BAT vk-31se - my first true tube product (aside from MF tube buffer). I normally keep all components on, day and night. Was just wondering if any of the more experienced tube users turn off their components when not in use to increase tube life.

I was blissfully unaware of the cost of the tubes. It will cost me roughly $500-1,000/year (Canadian) to keep my pre running?
Bsmith15, when I was hot and heavy into listening to my system, especially during colder parts of the year relative to LA, I'd do exactly what you do.
Adamg, in my experience with 6922s in a DAC I was able to leave them on continuously for four straight years without excessive wear. When I owned a BAT VK3i its 6922s didn't seem to wear prematurely from being left on all the time. The complete opposite was true of my 6SN7 preamp which burned through expensive tubes if I left it on for too long. I am not familiar with the characteristics of the 6H30 which I believe your preamp uses.
I've got a VK-31se. I leave it in standby mode when I'm not listening. I turn it completely off only rarely - when I'll be gone more than 2-3 days. My tubes are close to 3 years of use and still sounding fine. A set of four new Sovtek 6H30 tubes should be less than $100. I have not tried NOS.
Never turn off tube devices. Think about it. You are heating a plate or plates. By turning it off and on you are causing the tube (and plates) to distort their shape each time. You gain many advantages if left on. One, it's "sound" is at a peak and ready for you at any time (versus waiting, for me, an hour). Two, you are not constantly forcing the tube to change the shape and size of all it's parts. (the heating and cooling cycle cause constant stress). Three, the tubes last much longer. I have an Audible Illusion 3A that is supposedly a "tube eater". Well, I've never had it kill a tube yet. I've had some in for years!