Krell 400xi vs. BAT VK-300x vs. McIntosh MA6900

I'm considering 1 of these 3 excellent Integrated Amplifiers to power my newly aquired Wilson Sophia Speakers. My Source Component will be either the Krell Standard or BAT VK-D5. Installing in a mid>large size living room. I'm looking for a smooth, full/robust, easy- on-the-ears sound. I'd rather not have to buy all 3 for an at home a/b/c audition, though I know that this is the preferred method of evaluating Components. Thought that I might give this post a try, to at least narrow it down to 2. Thanks!
What about the MA2275 Integrated or somthing like my Sugden Class A or Accuphase E550. Detail without fatigue.
Mcintosh is high end...if you live in the 60's! I owned it and sold it...very old school sound, unless you like haze and lack of tone color..a reciever would sound better! I've owned the 400xi in several of my systems and it never sounded anything less than spectacular, depending on the cabling and front end/speaker combo. In fact i sold my evo stuff because it didn't live up to the sound of the integrated! Wilson uses ARC and Krell for voicing by the way...not Mcintosh!!
I have owned the MA6900 previously & have had the 400Xi as well for sometime. 400Xi is not bad at all. But for MY tastes it would be the Mac.
If you like the Krell the Sugden suggested above is also a good cheaper choice. However in the long run with the Mac in my experience, you would have it all.

Good luck!
I agree with Jeffjarvis. I had a 6900 and switched to the MA2275. Didn't need the extra power of the former and much preferred the tube sound of the latter.
Good luck.
Dave your comments are simply foolishness; I have owned my share of amps the past few years and the couple Mac pieces I have used are not as you'd have us believe. I will agree that Mac floundered through the 80's and a good share of the 90's, but not so these days, IMO. Also, just because Wilson uses ARC and Krell, per you, doesn't mean they are the best and/or the only products one should use with Wilson speakers.