Good tube pre amp for a mostly digital system

I am seeking advice from the a'gon community concerning a tube pre for my digital system. Some folks have qued be in to the fact that adding a pre tube will do wonders for my sound.

I have the jeff rowland 501 mono's and the bel canto dac3 as a my pre, a marantz running as a transport. On thing about the rowlands is that they prefer balanced so the tube pre must have balanced outs.

I've looked at the valve audio black widow, the cary slp 05, and the aesthetix calypso. All have balanced outs, well I'm not sure about the valve audio. Any other recommendations? Is adding a tube pre really going to do anything for my sound?

Lastly, being lacking some knowledge in this world, I am confused as to how, if I got a pre amp, I would go about connecting my cd running digitally to my dac then to the pre amp. Would it just be a matter of connecting the dac to the pre or does the cd player also have to be connected to the pre amp?

Lots of questions I know, yet lots to learn! Any help, suggestions, opinions are be welcome.

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John, You gave me some great things to think about here. I now realize, witht he cost of tube replacement, that I do not want a built in phono stage. You are absolutely right, why waste away those tubes when not listening to vinyl.

So I am slowly honing in here on some components. It seems to me to be between the BAT, not sure which model yet, or the Aesthetix calypso. Also I want to pair either of those with either the A A capitole or some other good player, myabe the Ayre C-5xe or cary 306 and take my Bel canto Dac3 out of the equation. Any thoughts on matching those. Any one with direct expereince here? Any thoughts on taking the bel Canto out of the equation?

Agree with TVAD... I would try IC cables (Magnan or Siltech worked well with me while I had Rowland)... tube be or not to be... hehehe

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As stated above VTL is a great place to start. Moreover buy from a well established company, it may cost a little more but in the long run it's worth the price.