Good tube pre amp for a mostly digital system

I am seeking advice from the a'gon community concerning a tube pre for my digital system. Some folks have qued be in to the fact that adding a pre tube will do wonders for my sound.

I have the jeff rowland 501 mono's and the bel canto dac3 as a my pre, a marantz running as a transport. On thing about the rowlands is that they prefer balanced so the tube pre must have balanced outs.

I've looked at the valve audio black widow, the cary slp 05, and the aesthetix calypso. All have balanced outs, well I'm not sure about the valve audio. Any other recommendations? Is adding a tube pre really going to do anything for my sound?

Lastly, being lacking some knowledge in this world, I am confused as to how, if I got a pre amp, I would go about connecting my cd running digitally to my dac then to the pre amp. Would it just be a matter of connecting the dac to the pre or does the cd player also have to be connected to the pre amp?

Lots of questions I know, yet lots to learn! Any help, suggestions, opinions are be welcome.

If you are looking for a very dynamic tubed pre - I can highly recommend the ARC LS-26.

It's my first venture into tubes - and I can say I like very much what it's done for my system. The soundstage is much deeper with a nice warmth to the vocals. Bass control is phenomenal.

I was concerned that I'd lose the impact of the bass with a tubed pre - but not so with the ARC.

My source is a Linn Unidisk 1.1 by the way.
Just wondering if you have tried the Jeff Rowland Concerto preamp, cause you're using their monoblocks already. The whole system will have a sweet top-end, warm midrange, and clean, deep bass (but not too plumb). For my taste, there're only several brands I can think of (in order of preference), no matter tube or solid-state:
1. Accustic Arts
2. McIntosh
3. Hovland
I agree that it's best to go with a seperate phono stage, that will give you a lot more preamp choices as well. Does that put the Cary SLP-05 back in the lead? That's supposed to be a very nice preamp, though I haven't heard one yet.
Choosing the digital and the preamp will depend on what values you prefer when listening to music.

For instance, the BAT will present more musical weight and power, while the Aesthetix will present more air and detail to the music. Search the archives and read what people like and/or did not like about specific models.

Same with the cd players. Of the three that you mention, the AA would give you the most warmth and musicality, but it's redbook only. The Cary and Ayre will give you more detail and transparency. Of these three, I would prefer the AA Prestige (gotta have my SACD). The Prestige is much more expensive than the Ayre or Cary though. If going with the AA Capitole, I'd probably choose the Ayre, because I gotta have my SACD. First listen to your Marantz though, as it will be closer sonically to the AA camp than the Ayre/Cary camp. This will give you some reference. Then also know that Marantz has also just released the SA-7S1 which retails for $6999, and also may be a strong contender.

Only you can determine what musical direction you want to go in. Do you want more transparency and detail? Do you want richer tonality and musicality? There are different products out there for folks that want different things. It's best to first know what direction you want to travel before starting on your journey.

Thanks John, and Jim who qued me into the audio research ls-26 which from all I have read is fantastic. Jim mentioned that the calypso might have a noise problem and that scared him away from it.
So where does that live me? O.K., I must say that upon listening to my syatem, which only had about thirty hours on it which, I realize is definately not enough time to judge, it felt somewhat veiled, like that palpable feeling in the chest was not present, the air was not there. Then my new speaker broke and I had to send it back to the manufacture.

So my gear sits here and I wonder, do I make an adjustment right now, or do I wait for the speaker to return and give my system more time. Really, most of my gear is used from this site so breakin is mostly done, all except the spaekers and my Bel canto DAC3. When judging the sound of my system, it seemd that the fact that I was using the bel canto as a dac and preamp combo was the weak link. Could the bel canto effectively drive the 500 watt rowlands? Then began my search for a preamp, also because I want to add a tuner as I really enjoy radio. Then I thought, well my system is down for at least a month, why not see what opinions arise about players as well.
So here I am. Like John was saying, I have to know what direction i want to go in. I think I want richer tonality and musicality, I want to create that palpable air. Do those tow coincide?
Thinking about audio research ls-25, cary slp-05, aesthetix calypso, BAT...

Thanks for your help all.
Patience grasshopper...patience. If I could go back and do it all over again that would be the one key...patience.

Wait for your speakers to be repaired, then settle in and really listen to you system. Some pieces may still require some burn in.

Richer tonality, musicality and palpable air certainly do go together, and it does sound like you want to go to tubeland. I would agree that the Bel Canto DAC/preamp could well be the weak link.

After everything is fixed, listen and get a good feel for what your system sounds like. Then I would recommend trying a tube preamp first, since that Marantz SA-11S1 is a pretty good stand alone cd player. Once you settle in on a preamp, then you can take the next step towards a digital upgrade, tuner and/or turntable.

One step at a time, don't try to do everything at once or you're asking for trouble. For many of us it takes years to set up a system right. Rome wasn't built in a day. :)

Take your time and research the archives here and at Audio Asylum before you buy. Lots of great resources.
