I agree that it's best to go with a seperate phono stage, that will give you a lot more preamp choices as well. Does that put the Cary SLP-05 back in the lead? That's supposed to be a very nice preamp, though I haven't heard one yet.
Choosing the digital and the preamp will depend on what values you prefer when listening to music.
For instance, the BAT will present more musical weight and power, while the Aesthetix will present more air and detail to the music. Search the archives and read what people like and/or did not like about specific models.
Same with the cd players. Of the three that you mention, the AA would give you the most warmth and musicality, but it's redbook only. The Cary and Ayre will give you more detail and transparency. Of these three, I would prefer the AA Prestige (gotta have my SACD). The Prestige is much more expensive than the Ayre or Cary though. If going with the AA Capitole, I'd probably choose the Ayre, because I gotta have my SACD. First listen to your Marantz though, as it will be closer sonically to the AA camp than the Ayre/Cary camp. This will give you some reference. Then also know that Marantz has also just released the SA-7S1 which retails for $6999, and also may be a strong contender.
Only you can determine what musical direction you want to go in. Do you want more transparency and detail? Do you want richer tonality and musicality? There are different products out there for folks that want different things. It's best to first know what direction you want to travel before starting on your journey.
Choosing the digital and the preamp will depend on what values you prefer when listening to music.
For instance, the BAT will present more musical weight and power, while the Aesthetix will present more air and detail to the music. Search the archives and read what people like and/or did not like about specific models.
Same with the cd players. Of the three that you mention, the AA would give you the most warmth and musicality, but it's redbook only. The Cary and Ayre will give you more detail and transparency. Of these three, I would prefer the AA Prestige (gotta have my SACD). The Prestige is much more expensive than the Ayre or Cary though. If going with the AA Capitole, I'd probably choose the Ayre, because I gotta have my SACD. First listen to your Marantz though, as it will be closer sonically to the AA camp than the Ayre/Cary camp. This will give you some reference. Then also know that Marantz has also just released the SA-7S1 which retails for $6999, and also may be a strong contender.
Only you can determine what musical direction you want to go in. Do you want more transparency and detail? Do you want richer tonality and musicality? There are different products out there for folks that want different things. It's best to first know what direction you want to travel before starting on your journey.